How To Play Horse Racing


  1. Horse Racing Pick 3 Systems
  2. How To Play Horse Racing In South Africa
HorseHow To Play Horse Racing

One popular betting technique newcomers to horse racing often embrace, individually or in a group, is the SHOW PARLAY. Say a group of four friends decides to invest $10 each in a Show Parlay and then collectively choose which horse to put $40 to Show on. My game was made from mainly recycled materials that I had at home. But this is what.

Using a regular deck of cards, remove all aces and kings leaving 44 cards (two through queen). Set up horses in numerical order. Dealer deals all cards to the players until all 44 cards are dealt. Some people may end up with more cards than others.

First person to the left of dealer rolls both dice. The total number is the first “money” horse. Move this horse back one space BEHIND the line. Anyone holding this number in their hand discards that card and pays the pot. Example: A 2 & 5 are rolled. The 7 horse is moved back one space. Anyone with a 7 in their hand throws it in the discard pile and puts 25 cents in the pot. If someone has two 7’s, they will throw 50 cents in the pot and discard both 7’s, three 7’s is 75 cents, and four 7’s is $1.00. Now anytime a 7 is rolled, the person rolling the dice will add 25 cents to the pot.

Then next person to the left rolls both dice. The total number is the second “money” horse. Move this horse back two spaces BEHIND the line. Anyone holding this number in their hand discards that card and pays the pot (50 cents) for each card. If the person happens to roll the previous number (say the 7 from the example) they will pay the 25 cents and roll again.

The next person to the left rolls both dice. The total number is the third “money” horse. Move this horse back three spaces BEHIND the line. Anyone holding this number in their hand discards that card and pays the pot (75 cents) for each card. If the person happens to roll either of the previous numbers (say the 7 from the example) they will pay the amount for the number and roll again.


The next person to the left rolls both dice. The total number is the fourth and last “money” horse. Move this horse back four spaces BEHIND the line. Anyone holding this number in their hand discards that card and pays the pot ($1.00) for each card. If the person happens to roll either of the previous numbers (say the 7 from the example) they will pay the amount for the number and roll again. These four horse will not move again during this game.

Now the game can begin! The next person rolls the dice. The total of the dice indicates the number horse to move one space FORWARD. If a “money” horse number is rolled, the person who rolled it pays the pot the required amount and the dice are passed to the next player. Continue rolling the dice, moving horses forward or paying the pot until one horse reaches the end. The first horse to reach the finish line (last space) is the winner. All players holding that number card wins a fourth of the pot. If a player is holding two winning cards they receive half the pot, three winning cards will receive three quarters of the pot, and four winning cards will receive all of the pot. If there is any extra money that can not be split equally will stay in the pot for the next game.

Continue the next game the same way with the person to the left of the previous deal now the new dealer.



  1. If you are a new user, sign up for an account by clicking on “New User”.
  2. Fill out the registration form (please ensure accuracy).
  3. Once you have your account credentials (email and password), login to the system at the top right of the home page.
  4. Deposit funds into your account by clicking on the “Deposit” link from the home page
  5. Proceed to the Purchase Entries page, where a list of available contests are displayed.
  6. Purchase entries for your desired contests. The entry fees will be deducted from your Account Balance.



    Once selections open for a particular contest, players may proceed to the 'View/Make Picks' section to make picks for that contest. For horse racing contests, players will make selections on the races designated for that contest, which are listed on the contest description page.

    Typical contests will have 10-15 individual race events. Mythical $2 Win/Place wagers ($2 to Win and $2 to Place) will be made on the horse a player selects in each race. Only one horse may be selected per race. If a player's horse wins, the player collects on both the Win and Place wagers. If a player's horse finishes in a Place position, the player collects only on the Place wager. All wagers and payouts from races are mythical and will be used as a score only.

    Payouts will be reported according to the payout results from the United States tote system.

    Players will select horses by name and official program number. As with real wagering, coupled entries serve as one betting interest for the purposes of contest play. Selections may be made as early as the day prior to the contest, as soon as the contest selection process is opened. Selections will open typically between 5:00-7:00 p.m. ET the day before the contest. An e-mail notification is sent to all players registered for a particular contest when selections open.

    Horse selections for all players in the contest may be viewed by clicking on the 'Detail' for each player listed on the Leaderboard. Horse selections will only be displayed once a particular race is closed (i.e., when selections are no longer open and the race is starting). Selections for all players are displayed for transparency purposes.

    NOTE: A PRIMARY selection MUST be designated. A player's ALTERNATE selection will be assigned ONLY in the event of a scratch of a player's PRIMARY selection. If a player does not make a PRIMARY selection, NO SELECTION will be considered to have been played.


    Alternate selections may be designated when players make selections. To make an alternate selection, choose the alternate horse desired by clicking on the radio button found on the right-hand side of the picks pages. In the event of a scratch of a player's primary selection, the Alternate pick becomes the active selection. If the Alternate selection is also scratched, the player will be assigned the post-time favorite.


    In contests utilizing the regular, live format (where selections may be changed race-by-race up until post), generally speaking, race selections will close for each contest event as the last half of the field is loading into the starting gate. HOWEVER, IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that players submit all selections prior to the first race and then go back and edit as needed, at least 2-3 minutes prior to the anticipated gates open time of the race. Players should be aware of delays in transmission via internet streaming services or television feeds that may not represent the actual real time of races. The Participant is 100 percent responsible for ensuring that a contest wager has been accepted, regardless of the circumstances. Players should pay close attention to race schedules for all contests, as post times can change throughout the day due to delays or other circumstances.

    In PICK & PRAY format contests, selections for ALL contest races will be locked once the first contest race in the schedule (in any chronological position) is closed. In PICK & PRAY events, players must have all selections made prior to the first contest race closing and may not edit selections throughout the tournament.


    There is a cap on both the Win and Place scores. The maximum score on a $2 Win bet is $42 (20-1 odds) and the maximum score on a $2 Place bet is $22 (10-1 odds). Scores are completely mythical.


    Should there be a tie in earnings that will affect major placements (such as qualifying to another contest), ties will be broken in accordance with the following procedures: (a) the entry(s) with the most number of winners selected will win the tie; if a tie still remains, then (b) the entry(s) selecting the horse with the highest mutuel WIN payout will win the tie; if a tie still remains, then (c) the entry(s) with the most number of PLACE horses selected will win the tie; if a tie still remains, then (d) the entry(s) with the highest mutuel PLACE payout will win the tie; if a tie still remains, then (e) the entry(s) with the most number of SHOW (third place finishers that did not Win or Place) horses selected will win the tie; if a tie still remains, then (f) the winning entry(s) will be determined by a random draw among eligible entries.

    If in FEEDER contests there are ties remaining after all tiebreakers have been applied, the prizes involved will be equally distributed to those players tied for the position(s).


    For contests that involve qualifying spots to other contests (such as NHC or Breeders' Cup Betting Challenge), there is a 48-hour audit period after the completion of each contest, for the purposes of allowing for changes in the unlikely event of scoring errors or other circumstances. While the leaderboard will display the final payout results immediately, these results will not be official until the audit period is over. Players that have earned qualifying spots or other prizes will be notified once the contest has been declared official.

    In FEEDER events, the contests will be considered complete approximately 15 minutes to scoring the final contest event. Players have up to 24 hours following the completion of those events to alert tournament officials of possible scoring errors and request necessary adjustments.


Horse Racing Pick 3 Systems

CANCELLATIONS: Players may cancel a purchased entry for a particular contest up to TWO HOURS before the closing time of the contest. Cancelling an entry is subject to a 10 percent cancel fee (i.e., 90 percent of the entry fee purchased will be returned to your account balance). Please note that this is necessary to prevent manipulation of contest pools and protect the integrity of the contests, but has been provided for player convenience. Cancellation activity will be closely monitored, and abuse of the cancellation privilege will result in the revoking of player accounts.

How To Play Horse Racing In South Africa

Aside from this cancel policy, there are no refunds permitted for any reason for purchased entries. Transfers of entries from one player to another player are also not permitted. However, players may request that all or a portion of their account balances be transferred to another registered player.